Carbon Calculated is frequently challenged with convincing executives of the business value of a carbon footprint. While many are aware of the positive environmental implications of emissions management, few seem to fully understand that this makes business sense too. With this in mind, here are our Top 5 business reasons to consider a carbon footprint.
1.Financial savings and operational inefficiencies: Measurement ensures better operational management, and ultimately allows for financial savings to be identified. An example is Woolworths who, through the introduction of energy efficient technologies, anticipate an annual cost saving of approximately R144 000 000.
2. Reporting requirements: Measuring and reporting on carbon emissions forms an integral part of a company’s broader environmental impact and reporting requirements. This includes Integrated Reporting, King IV Codes of Corporate Governance, the Global Reporting Initiative, CDP, etc. Such disclosure on environmental performance enhances credibility and trust among stakeholders.
3. Brand reputation: Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious. As concerns around climate change grow, consumers will more willingly invest in products and services associated with businesses who are actively measuring, managing and reducing emissions. In its 2016 CDP submission Vodacom estimated that a 1% loss in reputation among consumers, could result in a depreciation of brand value of approximately R200 million.
4. Carbon Tax: With the revised Carbon Tax Bill to be published for public consultation later this year, it is speculated that carbon tax in South Africa will come into play in early-2018. It is important that companies remain ahead of the game, and calculate their potential liability sooner, rather than later. A carbon measurement exercise will allow for this, giving business the opportunity to quantify the potential financial risk and identify where liability could be reduced.
5. Staff retention: Numerous studies commissioned by organisations such as TANDBERG and Ipsos MORI and Network for Business Sustainability, show that companies which adopt ‘green’ practices and governance tend to attract and retain higher quality employees.
-Jess Vujovic, Business Analyst,