Sport is a game changer for young people. It provides a sense of purpose, teamwork and participation that is invaluable, and it builds communities.
At Carbon Calculated, we are firm believers in active community participation.
We want to make a real, tangible difference to the people living in the Southern Cape. That’s why we are so delighted to be partners in the MasiSports initiative, whose aim is to to develop a sports and life skills programme in Ukhanyo Primary and Masi High, the schools at the heart of the Masiphumelele township. By building essential sports facilities, engaging inspirational coaches, properly equipping learners with kit and equipment, we are offering direction to what we have seen to be a happy and fulfilled life.
Masiphumelele is the large informal settlement situated between Kommetjie and Noordhoek.
Enthusiasm for sports is sky high but there is a serious lack of quality facilities.
The ethos behind MasiSports is simple to understand. In their own words, “School sport and life skills is the perfect formula to a fulfilled life. That is our driving belief. Schools are the epicentre of a child’s growth. Sport unveils their character, courage and teamwork. This, reinforced with socially appropriate life skills builds values and behaviours that last a lifetime.”
This is the kind of program that Carbon Calculated is behind 100%.
Take a look at this uplifting video about MasiSports:
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/RZmis-NpEEs” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
MasiSports has been growing for a number of years, but in early May 2021, the project was officially launched with a wonderful celebration at the windswept Ukhanyo Primary School. .
Guests were able to watch the wonderful work happening in the classrooms, as well as the incredible sports talent on display — all taking place on the fantastic facilities provided by donations to MasiSports.
The launch saw a number of important milestones, including:
- the unveiling of MasiSports’ new logo,
- a sod turning of what will become a 60m x 30m astroturf field,
- and the 1000 x R1000 PLUS campaign, which aims to secure 1000 R1000 donations (and more!) to ensure the project’s sustainability.
The idea behind the 1000xR1000 initiative is that, while almost no-one can afford a million rand donation, there are one thousand people who can afford a thousand rand donation over a year.
If you are interested in showing your support, you can sign up for the 1000 x R1000 right here. Or get in touch with Carbon Calculated and we can discuss your involvement in this vital, life-affirming organisation.